奥州を目指して東へ下る源義経は、この美しい浄瑠璃姫と恋に落ちました。しかし、義経は大事な旅の途中のため、姫とは別れ先を急ぎます。ところがその先の蒲原宿で重い病になり、浜辺へ遺棄されてしまいます。義経の危機を知った浄瑠璃姫は浜へとたどり着き、義経の亡骸を抱き、涙を流し愛する義経の蘇生を祈願します。祈りは届き、息を吹き返した義経は、身分を明かしますが、またもや涙ながらに姫と別れ、奥州を目指し再び旅に出ました。 再会を約束した姫のもとに今度は義経が平泉で討たれたという知らせが届き、姫はすぐさま陸奥へと旅立ちました。こうして姫はようやく義経にめぐり会えましたが、喜びも束の間、姫は長旅の疲れから病に臥し、むなしく息を引き取ったと言われています。義経は悲しみに襲われながらも、姫への想いを胸に津軽半島を経由し、やがて蝦夷へと向かうのでした。
2015年に作曲された中編成版をもとに、オーケストレーションを小編成向けに改訂しました ( 樽屋雅徳 )
フランスで吹奏楽曲「Ardent Overture」を出版。代表作として「絵のない絵本」「民衆を導く自由の女神」「マゼランの未知なる大陸への挑戦」「ラザロの復活」「マードックからの最後の手紙」などがある。
Minamoto no Yoshitsune was on his way to Oshu when he fell in love with Jorurihime, a princess from Yahagi of Mikawa no Kuni.
As Yoshitsune was in the midst of his journey, he went on his way after parting with the princess. However, he fell seriously ill at Kambarajuku subsequently and his body was abandoned along the beach.
After learning of Yoshitsune’s predicament, Jorurihime arrived at the beach and embraced Yoshitsune’s corpse. She broke into tears and prayed for the revival of her lover. Her prayers moved the gods and Yoshitsune was revived, but he parted ways with the princess tearfully and set out on his journey once again.
The princess who had promised Yoshitsune that they would meet again then received news that Yoshitsune had been defeated at Hiraizumi and she immediately set out for Mutsu. This allowed her to finally meet Yoshitsune once again, but their joy was shortlived. It was said that the princess fell sick due to exhaustion from her long journey, and eventually breathed her last.
Yoshitsune was struck by sadness and traveled through the Tsugaru Peninsula and eventually to Ezo while keeping the princess in his heart.
It is said that this tale of Jorurihime forms an important part of the above legend of Yoshitsune’s Northern Route, which has also been featured at the Aomori Nebuta Festival.
As these legends set in Aomori have been passed down along with the sounds of the Tsugarujamisen, the composition of this piece was inspired by Yoshitsune’s epic legend and his heartbreaking love story with Jorurihime and incorporates the Nebuta scale as well as elements of the Tsugarujamisen.
This Small band version contains revisions to the arrangement of the version composed in 2015 for a mediumsized.
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