フランスで吹奏楽曲「Ardent Overture」を出版。代表作として「絵のない絵本」「民衆を導く自由の女神」「マゼランの未知なる大陸への挑戦」「ラザロの復活」「マードックからの最後の手紙」などがある。
2004年 2018年まで銚子市立銚子高等学校の音楽監督を務めマーチングコンテストで全国大会へ、吹奏楽コンクールでは東関東大会、東日本大会へと導く。
I visited Tohoku in September 2013, around two and a half years after the Great East Japan Earthquake.
In those few days, I experienced the Tohoku of the time by observing the scenery of each site and witnessing a reality that I was unable to put into words. But even then, I encountered residents of the town who were trying to gradually move on, which forced me to reflect on many important issues.
The conversations I had with the local residents and my fervent hope that the area can be restored to its former glory inspired me to compose the three sections "The Miracle Pine," "To the Sea Again," and "True Happiness."
"The Miracle Pine" is an important landmark very close to the hearts of residents that is believed to have protected the town of Takata from countless tsunamis in the past. This is the last pine tree standing out of over 70,000 pine trees that used to be in the Takata Pine Grove which have since been swept away. This section attempts to portray the Miracle Pine and how it seems to be looking at the sea and telling us something.
"To the Sea Again" depicts the brave fishermen who have boarded their vessels and returned to the sea to resume their fishing activities.
"True Happiness" reminds us that it was only three years ago when the unprecedented complex disaster struck through a combination of a massive earthquake, tsunami, a nuclear accident, and harmful rumors. This section embodies my hope that the day when local residents can smile from the bottom of their heart will arrive as soon as possible.
“Innocence” articulates the hope for a better future where all innocent people, cities, and things will recover as soon as possible even as they continue to come to terms with their deep scars and confront their painful reality.
This arrangement is based on the current version (FML0120) published in 2014, and its orchestration and structure have been revised to satisfy the orchestration and duration requirements of the Small Band category of the AllJapan Band Competition.
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