1990年T.U.B.A. 国際チューバカンファレンス札幌大会ジャズインプロヴィゼイションコンクール第2位。
他の主な作品に、「サニー・サイド・ストリート・パレード」(平成18年度JBA下谷賞受賞作品)、「吹奏楽のための綺想曲 『じゅげむ』」( 2012年度全日本吹奏楽コンクール課題曲)などがある。
I got the inspiration to write this piece when I was listening to jazz from the 1940s and 1950s, which prompted me to incorporate its elements to compose music using a modern approach.
“Neomodern” is a style in design and architecture where works are created by fusing modernism with other elements to create something novel. This is similar to the approach with which I have written this piece, and thus I have entitled it “Neomodernic.” Although I had considered giving it some additional descriptive dimensions, the prefix “neo” is a reference to something new. Personally, this also evokes a sense of nostalgia and feels appropriate for what I have set out to achieve with this piece.
This piece comprises three movements: “Fanfare” where bepop phrases are played against the backdrop of the drum’s marching rhythm, “Lullaby” where a melody is gently articulated over a jazz harmony, and “Capriccio” which features funk music with an irregular 7beat time signature. These movements attempt to go beyond symphonic pop music as a form of hybrid music that incorporates various elements in an integrated manner.
I have also written this piece by taking into consideration the future directions and possibilities of brass bands while ensuring that it can be performed by mixed ensembles comprising 2 percussion instruments along with 6 woodwind or brass instruments. This piece is rather popheavy, and although I wouldn’t say that it is surely indicative of the future trends of brass music moving forward, I hope that it can be enjoyed as one of its many possible directions.
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