Sherpas(サキソフォンラージアンサンブル)音楽監督、すぎなみ彩楽ウインドシンフォニー 音楽監督、NHK「アリーmyラブ」「ダーマ&グレッグ」「ロズウェル」等 日本語版オープニング/エンディング曲担当、映画「月のあかり」音楽担当、さくらのうた(第22回朝日作曲賞・2012年度AJBAコンクール課題曲)、吹奏楽のための「風之舞」(第14回朝日作曲賞・2004年度AJBAコンクール課題曲)、KA-GU-RA for Band(JBA下谷賞・佳作)、シンフォニック・ダンス(航空自衛隊中部航空音楽隊委嘱)。
Ever since I started composing music seriously, I have been enthralled by the musical forms and melodies of Japanese music. The fascinating sound of Japanese music that surrounds us evokes an atmosphere that is at once magical and dignified, regardless of the current times and circumstances. As these sounds resonate with my body and mind, it is as if my body and mind have also started to dance on their own.
This piece portrays the scenes of this dance with phrases inspired by three different musical forms. The first section of the piece opens with a canonlike introduction based on a pentatonic scale, followed by phrases that recur with increasing flair. The second section features chantlike phrases that contain chromatic slips being played alongside modern harmonies in a captivating manner. The third section showcases lively phrases and musical features based on the miyakobushi scale (the Japanese hemitonic pentatonic scale). The soundscape that we have inherited in various forms from our predecessors is not just a kind of nostalgia but part of our present world. In this piece, I hope to develop music itself and pay tribute to the pure, magical, and powerful music of Japan.
Performers of this piece should pay attention to achieving smooth transitions in tempo, vibrant tonal changes, and clear shifts in rhythm. I have kept annotations for its articulation and dynamics to a minimum, as I believe that performers should be free to make changes to the piece in their own way. With some adjustments, this piece can be performed in an exciting and elegant manner by large bands as well as smaller bands with fewer than 10 members.
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