「夢幻の如くなり」(ゆめ まぼろしのごとくなり)は2015年、名古屋市立伊勢山中学校吹奏楽部(愛知県)の委嘱で作曲され、同年11月、同校第12回定期演奏会にて作曲者の指揮で初演されました。
この作品はオプション楽器が多く、最小で11人から演奏出来ますが、20 40人程度の中大編成で演奏しても迫力のあるドラマチックな演奏が期待出来ます。
打楽器は少ない人数(最小1人)で演奏可能ですが、その場合はPerc.1を演奏しながら、Perc.2のバスドラムパートをフットペダルを使用してドラムセットのバスドラムで演奏すると、少ない人数でもより演奏効果の高い演奏となるでしょう。(広瀬 勇人)
尚美ミュージックカレッジ専門学校講師。著書「必ず役立つ 吹奏楽ハンドブック 小編成編」「吹奏楽のための 読譜とソルフェージュがわかる本」「吹奏楽部員のための 楽典がわかる本」(以上ヤマハ)、DVD「小編成バンドのための『サウンドバランス・メソッド』」「生徒だけで作り上げる アンサンブル」(以上ブレーン)、「指導者・奏者のためのアンサンブル指導」(ジャパンライム)。
「広瀬勇人オフィシャルHP」 http://www.hayatohirose.com/
"Like a Vain Dream" is a piece commissioned by the Nagoya Prefectural Iseyama Junior High School Wind Orchestra (in Aichi prefecture) in 2015. It was premiered at the school's 12th regular recital in November of the same year under the direction of the composer.
The high school is located in the vicinity of the Atsuta Jingu shrine which has a long history of over 1900 years. This shrine is widely known as one of the shrines that Oda Nobunaga stopped by before the Battle of Okehazama during the Sengoku period to pray for victory.
It is said that Nobunaga sang a famous verse from the play "Atsumori" before heading out with just a handful of soldiers to battle the massive troops of Imagawa Yoshimoto which were heading towards his camp.
This piece depicts the scenes of the army led by Oda, who was only a minor daimyo at the time, bravely confronting the massive troops of Imagawa and emerging victorious in the ensuing battle.
This piece features many optional instruments and can be performed by a minimum of 11 people. However, you can also achieve a powerful and dramatic performance with a medium or large ensemble of 20 to 40 people.
At least one person is needed to play percussion, but in this case, having the person play Perc.1 while using the foot pedal on the bass drum of the drum set to play the bass drum part of Perc. 2 will give rise to a more impactful performance.
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