強烈なパッセージが続く早部が続くと思いきや長い音符とリズミックなパッセージが共存する場面、中間部ではオーボエソロの中でサウンドホースが鳴り響き、ある意味“ベタ”な宇宙空間を演出します。(50年代 60年代の古いアメリカ映画の雰囲気です。)コーダにかけて曲は最高潮に達しますが、それまでの楽想を吹き飛ばすようなエンディングとなり曲は狂喜乱舞し幕を閉じます。
サクソフォーン奏者の福本信太郎氏のための書き下ろし作品をはじめ、航空自衛隊中部航空音楽隊、陸上自衛隊東部方面音楽隊、陸上自衛隊第6 音楽隊、海上自衛隊横須賀音楽隊、海上自衛隊舞鶴音楽隊、ヤマハ吹奏楽団浜松、なにわ《オーケストラル》ウィンズ、大阪市音楽団、日生劇場、シエナ・ウィンドオーケストラ(編曲)など委嘱作品も多数。
2008年にはアメリカのシカゴで行われた『ミッドウェスト・クリニック』において自作品が演奏されるなど、日本だけでなく、海外の出版社からも注目を集め、CD や楽譜が発売されて好評を得ている。また今までに自作品集も4 枚を数え全国発売されている。
This work is about 11minute piece commissioned in 2010 by the Ensemble Liberte Wind Orchestra of Kawaguchi City, which I completed in November of the same year. It premiered at Ensemble Liberte Wind Orchestra's 42nd Regular Concert held on December 23, 2010. In addition, it was replayed at the 15th KYOEN concert in 2012, where it was very well received.
The title “Astrolabe” refers to an astronomical instrument used by ancient astronomers and astrologers and was also an analog computer. It was used for a variety of purposes, including positioning and forecasting the sun, moon, planets, and stars, converting certain longitudes and local times, taking measurements, and triangulation.
This work was not based on the astrolabe itself, but was named after the attempt to play a chamber musical idea with a large wind orchestra, just like a small piece of equipment like the astrolabe can measure the depth of space. The composition of this piece was influenced by rock and pop from the late '60s to '70s, and it includes a delusion of mine, of what the title track of my imaginary rock band would sound like if I had one.
The song is roughly divided into four parts, each with its own unique feel.
Just as one thinks that the aggressive passages of the first section will continue throughout the whole piece, long notes and rhythmic passages start to coexist, eventually giving way to the middle section, where the sound hose resounds in the oboe solo creating a sense of solid outer space.
(It brings back the atmosphere of an old American movie from the '50s or '60s.) The song reaches its climax towards the coda, preceded by a section that completely blows the theme off, yielding the scene to a wild dance to which the curtain closes.
Although I feel this is a very difficult piece to convey through words, it would be my greatest pleasure if you could enjoy the atmosphere of this work even just a little.
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