武田信玄自身を描いた楽章で、劇的かつ叙情的に幕を上げ、これから始まる壮大で壮絶な一生を詩的に表現しています。江戸時代から近現代にかけて『甲陽軍鑑』に描かれる伝説的な人物像で『甲斐の虎』という異名を持つ。 この楽章はその異名を副題に持っています。
1553年から1564年まで5回に渡って起きた『川中島の戦い』 の壮絶さを描写した楽章。11年間という長きに渡る戦を武田信玄自身の視点で描こうとしたため、単に戦いの描写ではなく精神的な部分、武将としての 信玄、人間としての信玄の両視点から描いています。
『其の三・天と地と、、、大ていは 地に任せて 肌骨好し 紅粉を塗らず 自ら風流』[128小節目~]
サクソフォーン奏者の福本信太郎氏のための書き下ろし作品をはじめ、航空自衛隊中部航空音楽隊、陸上自衛隊東部方面音楽隊、陸上自衛隊第6 音楽隊、海上自衛隊横須賀音楽隊、海上自衛隊舞鶴音楽隊、ヤマハ吹奏楽団浜松、なにわ《オーケストラル》ウィンズ、大阪市音楽団、日生劇場、シエナ・ウィンドオーケストラ(編曲)など委嘱作品も多数。
2008年にはアメリカのシカゴで行われた『ミッドウェスト・クリニック』において自作品が演奏されるなど、日本だけでなく、海外の出版社からも注目を集め、CD や楽譜が発売されて好評を得ている。また今までに自作品集も4 枚を数え全国発売されている。
The original version of this piece, which has a length of approximately 17 minutes, was completed in 2009 based on a commission from KaiCity SHIKISHIMA Wind Orchestra in Yamanashi Prefecture and performed for the first time the following year, in 2010. This version that has an approximate length of nine minutes is a revised and abridged arrangement of the original, which is comprised of three movements.
Each movement has a unique subtitle, and the song progresses like a story.
Movement 1 (from bar 1) : This movement portrays the character of Takeda Shingen. It opens in a dramatic, lyrical manner to poetically capture his magnificent, heroic life that is about to unfold. As depicted in the Koyo Gunkan, he has been considered to be a legendary figure by observers from the Edo period to the present day and is known as “Kai no Tora,” or the Tiger of Kai.
Movement 2 (from bar 26) : This movement portrays the majesty of “Kawanakajima no Tatakai,” or the Battles of Kawanakajima, which were a series of 5 major battles from 1553 to 1564. These battles that took place over 11 long years have been depicted not only from the perspective of military combat, but also from an emotional standpoint to offer glimpses into Shingen the warlord and Shingen the human.
Movement 3 (from bar 128) : This movement serves as the epilogue. The tune representing Takeda Shingen that first appeared in Movement 1 is recreated here, accompanied by musical motifs that represent the phrase “Ten to Chi to,” or Heaven and Earth, and his death poem. The song swells to a crescendo as if to celebrate his life before coming to an end.
By all means, please enjoy this musical picture scroll that depicts the 52 years of Takeda Shingen’s life!
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