夏の日、愛車のカブリオレに乗り込みイグニッションをひねりエンジンを叩き起こす! タコメーターを睨みつつ1速から徐々にシフトをアップしていき、少しだけ緊張感を持ったスピードでバーンと海岸線に沿って走り出す!そんなイメージの疾走感のあるドライブソングです。
ジャズ、フュージョン系のサックスプレーヤーとして活動し、様々なアーティ ストのライヴ、レコーディングにサポートミュージシャンとして参加する。サックスのみのビッグバンド、URASAXOPHONEENSEMBLE を主催。全ての楽曲の 作編曲を手がける。近年はハモンドオルガンを用いたトリオバンドでも活動しオリジナル曲を展開している。2007 年には日本サキソフォーン協会主催の「サキソフォー ンフェスティバル」にゲストとして招かれる。
また、作曲・編曲の分野でも活動しており、吹奏楽のオリジナル作品やブラス セクションのアレンジを多数手がけ、サキソフォーンオーケストラ用の委嘱作品も提供している。自身のオリジナル曲が「2004 年埼玉まごころ国体」のオー プニング曲に選ばれる。現在、昭和音楽大学講師(ジャズ、ポピュラー科)、昭和音大付属音楽教室講師
Cabriolet is a word that is used in French and German to mean a "convertible."
On a summer day, I get into my beloved cabriolet, turn on the ignition, and wake up the engine! While staring at the tachometer, I steadily shift up from first gear and drive off with a bang along the coastline maintaining a speed with just a little feeling of tension! This is a driving song with a sense of speed.
I originally wrote this song to be played as the main piece when my band decided to perform at a concert hall, but later, upon request, I arranged it for a saxophone orchestra and had the opportunity to have other orchestras perform it as well. I used the performance by the saxophone department at Ueno Gakuen University as a demo sound source. While the concert had to be cancelled due to the effects of the corona virus during the training camp, the department's students, with their teachers, recorded this piece of music and even completed a video.
This video is very inspiring and gives me courage to see them working so hard and positively in a situation that would normally make me look down. I'm sure there are many people who have seen this video who feel the same way I do.
Although I was not directly involved in the production of the video, I felt like I was given a wonderful gift by the fact that they chose my song. I would like to take this opportunity to thank the teachers and students of the saxophone department at Ueno Gakuen University.
Also, I have had a great response to this piece of music, and after many inquiries about the sheet music I have decided to release it for sale.
There are a few changes in the release.
For the percussion, I have included the drum score, but you can use a cajon instead, as shown in the video. Based upon the nature of this piece of music, you can include an optional piano and electric bass for a sound with more impact.
The sopranino sax and the bass sax are also be optional. In several parts, adlibbed solos will appear. I prepared a sample this time, too, so please use it as a reference.
In particular, I think that the duet between the solos in the second half gets lively, so please definitely listen to it!!
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