I. Movie Studio's Logo ムービースタジオ・ロゴ
II. Dr. Smithee’s Adventure スミシー博士の大冒険
III. Lime Night Serenade ライム・ナイト・セレナーデ
IV. “Where’s the rabbit?” ウサギはどこへ行った?
V. End Credits エンド・クレジット
アメリカ映画界では1999年までAlan Smithee(アラン・スミシー)という監督がいました。いや、いませんでした。アラン・スミシーというのは撮影中のトラブルなどで監督が降りてしまった時に仕方なしにつける監督名。この楽章は映画監督はおろか主役までが嫌がって降板してしまった映画のテーマ音楽です。それもその筈、映画の脚本が凄腕トレジャーハンターの考古学者が大活躍する某ヒット作に激似だったのです。
It was commissioned and performed for the first time at the Saitama Fanfare Club 23rd Concert (September 1, 2018).
This symphony that was composed with the concept of "a fictitious movie soundtrack made by a fictitious film studio arranged into a brass ensemble symphony", is the embodiment of the profound knowledge of movie soundtracks and the playfulness of Miura, the composer.
I. Movie Studio's Logo
Movies often start off with the elegant portrayal of the movie studio's logo. The excitement before a movie begins cannot be ignited without the opening music. So, this fictitious film studio also starts off their movie with this concept. The first impression is key. But it is short.
II. Dr. Smithee’s Adventure
In America's movie industry, there was a director called Alan Smithee until the year 1999. No, there wasn't. Alan Smithee is just a director name they put on the end credits when a director gets into trouble during the filming and quits the job. This musical symphony is the theme music of a movie in which not just the director but the main character got fed up and quit the movie set.
III. Lime Night Serenade
Since the dawn of movies, the mellow parts like love scenes have always been accompanied by romantic music. The likes of Chaplin, Glenn Miller, Mancini, Legrand, and Morricone have all made their mark. There may be symphonies with titles similar to this music, but song titles like this do not exist...maybe...
IV. “Where’s the rabbit?”
During the 1930s 40s, cartoon (anime) characters were the boxoffice stars of American filmmakers, resulting in countless short animated films like Mickey Mouse (Disney), Tom & Jerry (MGM), Bugs Bunny (Warner Bros.), and Woody Woodpecker (Universal Studios). The music that accompanied the dramatic episodes of the comical characters were actually minutely synced to the frame splits using the metronome the latest technology then and recorded together with the sound effects. So, what happens at the end of this chase between the rabbit and the hunter?
V. End Credits
At the end of the movie, they show the seemingly endless list of the production staff and cast in the end credits. In the background, the soundtrack and theme music of the movie that just ended is played back to back or in variations, and appreciating the work of all those who were involved in the movie while enjoying the music is one of the best moments for movie fans. Movies are truly wonderful.
So, that's all, folks. See you, see you, and see you again!
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