スサノオはクシナダの姿を隠すため彼女を櫛に変えて自分の髪に挿し、老夫婦には、強い酒を造ること、八つの門を作ること、その門の内側に大きなおけを置き、その酒を注いで入れておくようにと申し付けヤマタノオロチを待ち受けます。その作戦は見事功を奏し、八つの頭を八つのおけに差し入れて飲み干したオロチはすっかり酔っぱらいスサノオに切り刻まれてしまいました。見事ヤマタノオロチ退治に成功しクシナダを妻としたスサノオは、「八雲立つ 出雲八重垣 妻籠みに 八重垣つくる その八重垣を」と喜びの詠を読んだと言われています。
フランスで吹奏楽曲「Ardent Overture」を出版。代表作として「絵のない絵本」「民衆を導く自由の女神」「マゼランの未知なる大陸への挑戦」「ラザロの復活」「マードックからの最後の手紙」などがある。
2004年 2018年まで銚子市立銚子高等学校の音楽監督を務めマーチングコンテストで全国大会へ、吹奏楽コンクールでは東関東大会、東日本大会へと導く。
This work was inspired by Princess Kushinada, the heroine of the Izumo mythology “the slaying of Yamata no Orochi” in the first volume of Kojiki. The Yamata no Orochi mythology is a story in which to slay a large snake Yamata no Orochi with eight tails and eight heads by the ocean god Susanoo in order to protect the Princess Kushinada.
This myth begins when Susanoo was pushed out of the Takamagahara (heven) due to the violent action and descended to the lower bound. Its place was the bird hair of the Hii River in Izumo Province and the upstream of the Hii River flowing in Izumo City today. As Susanoo walked down the river for a while, he found Kushinada and her parents crying, so he called out. Asking them why they were crying, they told Yamata no Orochi who came to the village once a year that their seven daughters were sacrificed, and the last surviving Kushinada is now eaten by the beast. Susanoo, who felt sorry for Kushinada’s fate, promised them to fight off Yamata no Orochi instead of having Kushinada as his wife.
Susanoo turned Kushinada’s body into a comb and put it in his hair to hide her. She orders her parents to make strong sake, make eight gates, place a large casks inside the gate, and pour the sake in, and wait for Yamata no Orochi. When Yamata no Orochi appeared, he put eight heads into eight casks and drank up the sake. As Susanoo’s strategy, the beast was completely drunk and was killed by Susanoo.
Susanoo, who repulsed Yamata no Orochi with his wife Kushinada, is said to have made a tanka of joy.
This Small band version contains revisions to the arrangement of the version composed in 2013 for a mediumsized.
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