近年は21世紀の吹奏楽“響宴”にて作品が取り上げられているほか、「土蜘蛛伝説」「巡礼歌」「2つの詩曲」などアンサンブル作品が全国各地で多数演奏され ている。 2012年には日本コロムビアよりCD「僕が僕であるために~尾崎豊 オン ピアノ」 (編曲・演奏)をリリース。また2014年に「夢見草~松下倫士ピアノソロアルバム」をリリース。伴奏ピアニストとしても活動し、多くの演奏家と共演し高く評価されている。
This piece was commissioned by the Tokyo Metropolitan Koyamadai High School Brass Band, and I composed it as their choice piece in the small band division of the All Japan Band Competition.
”Montage” is a French term that means composition or assembly, and it is a wellknown technique in filmmaking where many different segments are spliced together and combined into a single film.
Instead of developing a single motif, this piece showcases a variety of different motifs as its melody evolves in many exciting ways.
The opening “impetuoso” section features a series of tense, dissonant notes, followed by various moments that include a surreal segment that contains flute and horn solos and the vibraphone, a dance segment with syncopated rhythms and chromatic melodies, and a song of mourning played with deep, heavy chords.
I hope you can enjoy the world evoked by this montage through its various sounds.
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