冒頭で少しずつ芽吹くように始まる[ D - A - F - D - E - C ] のモチーフに、次第に色彩と意思が宿り、さまざまなリズムに変化したり、モチーフ自身が自然に新しいメロディに成長していきます。その一瞬ごとに、香り高い風が流れていく。
Sherpas(サキソフォンラージアンサンブル)音楽監督、すぎなみ彩楽ウインドシンフォニー 音楽監督、NHK「アリーmyラブ」「ダーマ&グレッグ」「ロズウェル」等 日本語版オープニング/エンディング曲担当、映画「月のあかり」音楽担当、さくらのうた(第22回朝日作曲賞・2012年度AJBAコンクール課題曲)、吹奏楽のための「風之舞」(第14回朝日作曲賞・2004年度AJBAコンクール課題曲)、KA-GU-RA for Band(JBA下谷賞・佳作)、シンフォニック・ダンス(航空自衛隊中部航空音楽隊委嘱)。
The aroma and comfort naturally invoked by music makes listening to music a memorable experience. This is the result of our aesthetic sensibilities that we are naturally equipped with.
The [DAFDEC] motif reminiscent of gradual germination that emerges at the opening of this piece eventually takes on color and significance as it evolves through different rhythms and naturally gives rise to a new melody by itself. At every turn, a fragrant breeze drifts by.
While this is an abstract piece, it weaves together the mood that is naturally created with our aesthetic sensibilities of vocal music that naturally spring forth.
I was rather nervous about the commissioner’s request that this piece should serve to encourage students to pose many questions about “beauty” that cannot be expressed in words. I was confronted with the immense task of writing a piece that can convey this message.
This score is unique in that Japanese has been used for its musical directions. There are some parts that have been annotated with “strongly” despite being “p,” and likewise, please perform the piece by evoking a fantastic atmosphere in line with directions such as “expansively” and “sincerely.”
While the orchestration of this piece has been written for a large range of orchestral instruments so as to allow it to be performed by both large and small orchestras, the optional parts can be omitted as necessary. When performing the piece with a smaller orchestra, it is recommended that some prior arrangements are made with regard to the appropriate substitution of instruments.
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