When Kenichi Osawa, A year senior of the composer at Tamagawa Gakuen High School who is renowned as the first Tuba player of Tokyo city Philharmonic Orchestra, had his first rehearsal, I was asked to play the piano and write a piece. I had a fever higher than 40 degrees Celsius (almost 105 degrees Fahrenheit), and went straight to the venue from the clinic open on weekends. I was nonplussed when he had me help carrying the instrument.
I am not sure how many pieces are available for Solo Tuba, but this will make a meaningful addition to their repertoire. The original score was missing, so I put the piece together from a dancing scene from the chorus “Songs from the stars”, since I remembered the piece was used for that scene. It was performed for the first time in more than 40 years by Masashi Kina and Mari Nakamura before publishing.
The piece portrays the fun of holidays, which could be called Tubist’s Holiday. This can be played by other instruments with low range, with an octave adjustment. It is also possible for the wind players to play the piano part. (Hiroshi Aoshima)
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