タイトルは、歴史ある大畑の祭り、その伝統を表現できるものをと考え、長い年月に渡って祭りを、その歴史を見つめてきた象徴として、大畑八幡宮の神木の欅を用いることにしました。また、伝統、時の流れというものを考えていた時に「悠久」 という言葉が浮かび、偶然にもその言葉が祭りのポスターに添えられているのを目にし、副題にこれを用いることとしました。
1990年T.U.B.A. 国際チューバカンファレンス札幌大会ジャズインプロヴィゼイションコンクール第2位。
他の主な作品に、「サニー・サイド・ストリート・パレード」(平成18年度JBA下谷賞受賞作品)、「吹奏楽のための綺想曲 『じゅげむ』」( 2012年度全日本吹奏楽コンクール課題曲)などがある。
This piece was commissioned by Ohata Junior high scholol Wind Band.
The Ohatahachimangu Festival is held every September in Mutsu City of Aomori prefecture. A traditional festival that has been held since 1718, this festival is said to have inherited the traditions of the Gion Festival of Kyoto. The composition of this piece was inspired by various kinds of festival music performed at this festival.
The title of this piece is a reference to the sacred zelkova tree at Ohatahachimangu that serves as a symbol that has witnessed the shrine’s long history over countless years, as I had wanted to draw on something that can capture the cultural tradition of the Ohata Festival. At the same time, the word “eternity” came to mind as I was thinking about traditions and the passage of time, and this was a word that I had also incidentally seen on a poster of the festival. Thus, I decided to use it in the subtitle of this piece.
The opening of the piece was written to conjure a surreal atmosphere of hearing a form of fluteless festival music called “Hanyui” in the distance. The next “honbayashi” section features the melody evolving from a solo to a tutti, which is followed by lighthearted festival music backed by Japanese drums. Finally, the piece enters a wild and energetic “ranbayashi” section before closing with a powerful coda.
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