尚美ミュージックカレッジ専門学校講師。著書「必ず役立つ 吹奏楽ハンドブック 小編成編」「吹奏楽のための 読譜とソルフェージュがわかる本」「吹奏楽部員のための 楽典がわかる本」(以上ヤマハ)、DVD「小編成バンドのための『サウンドバランス・メソッド』」「生徒だけで作り上げる アンサンブル」(以上ブレーン)、「指導者・奏者のためのアンサンブル指導」(ジャパンライム)。
「広瀬勇人オフィシャルHP」 http://www.hayatohirose.com/
"The Leaves and Sunshine" is a warm and invigorating piece that seeks to depict scenes of gentle hills covered with trees, sunlight filtering through the leaves of trees, and people strolling through the landscape.
The piece opens with a subdued introduction before leading into its lively and refreshing main theme without any interruption. The middle section showcases a warm choralstyle rendition featuring woodwind instruments, and after a recapitulation of the theme, the piece closes in a majestic fashion. Overall, the piece is marked by positive and forwardlooking music.
While this piece requires a minimum of eight people to perform, it is possible to do it with even fewer people with adequate preparation. Even those who are new to their instruments will be able to play it without encountering difficulties with technique, while experienced performers can refine their harmony, tone, balance, and musical expression through this piece. Although a minimum of one person is required to play percussion, the drum part can be split accordingly for the purposes of performance if many performers are available.
This piece was composed as an original work for fostermusic Inc. in 2014.
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