そして今回、Adam Saxophone Quartetの皆さんによって、サクソフォンアンサンブル版を演奏していただく機会をいただきました。編曲をしてくださったのは、私のレッスン生である梅田詠侍さんです。素晴らしい方々によって新たな価値を加えていただき、感謝の気持ちでいっぱいです。新たな《シー・オブ・ウィズダム》をどうかお楽しみください!(清水大輔)
2024年夏ごろ、Adam Saxophone Quartetの奥野さんから、この曲をサクソフォンで演奏したいとお話をいただき、この企画が実現しました。当初は演奏のみの予定でしたが、ありがたいことにフォスターミュージックさんより、そのまま出版していただけることとなり、現在、皆さまのお手元にこの楽譜をお届けしています。この場をお借りして、心より感謝申し上げます。
サクソフォーン奏者・福本信太郎氏のための書き下ろし作品をはじめ、航空自衛隊中部航空音楽隊、陸上自衛隊東部方面・中部方面・第2・第4・第6・第8各音楽隊、海上自衛隊東京・横須賀・舞鶴・呉・佐世保各音楽隊、ヤマハ吹奏楽団浜松、なにわ《オーケストラル》ウィンズ、大阪市音楽団(現 Osaka Shion Wind Orchestra)、日生劇場、シエナ・ウィンドオーケストラなど、多くの団体から委嘱を受けている。
平成28年度 第49回JBA下谷賞受賞(この優しく、暖かい世界 アンディ・カウフマンのための音楽 )
2021年 スーザ/ABAオストワルド賞ファイナリスト(Immortal Anthem)
2023年 第4回WASBE国際作曲コンテスト カテゴリー2部門ファイナリスト(空を削るもの The Skyscrapers)
It has been over 17 years since I composed this piece in 2007. Sea of Wisdom was inspired by the scenery of Nanki Shirahama in Wakayama Prefecture. Over the years, many musicians have performed this piece, each expressing their own interpretation of the sea. As a composer, nothing brings me greater joy than hearing these diverse renditions.
Now, I am honored to have Sea of Wisdom performed as a saxophone ensemble version by Adam Saxophone Quartet. The arrangement was done by my student, Eiji Umeda. I am deeply grateful to these wonderful musicians for bringing new value to the piece. I hope you enjoy this new interpretation of Sea of Wisdom! (Daisuke Shimizu)
In the summer of 2024, Mr. Okuno from Adam Saxophone Quartet approached me with the idea of performing this piece on saxophone, which led to the realization of this project. Initially, the plan was only for a performance, but thanks to the support of Fostermusic, the arrangement was published as well. It is now available for musicians everywhere, and I would like to take this opportunity to express my heartfelt gratitude.
As a matter of fact, Mr. Shimizu is also my teacher, and arranging his composition was an experience filled with an unprecedented sense of pressure. (Just to clarify, Mr. Shimizu is an incredibly kind teacher!) This arrangement is scored for an eightpart saxophone ensemble, with an optional percussion section for three players. While the number of performers is smaller compared to a wind band, the piece still allows for a rich and fulfilling performance.
There are not many pieces arranged for saxophone octet, but I carefully ensured that the range of each instrument remains comfortable, making it an accessible and enjoyable repertoire. As mentioned earlier, the percussion part is optional, but it adds great depth and color to the music. I highly recommend including percussion if possible. While it is important to respect the original piece, rather than striving for an exact reproduction, I encourage performers to explore the unique possibilities of this ensemble. (Eiji Umeda)
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