初演は2015年12月19日に杉並公会堂にて、上野由恵氏のフルートソロ、Iris Philharmonic Orchestraの演奏で、作曲者自身の指揮により行われた。このような作曲経緯から、曲はイベールと同時代に生きていた架空のフランス人作曲家がワルツを書いたらこのような感じになるのではという想像で書かれている。「ちょっとおどけた」というのはフランス風エスプリの模倣で、ふわふわと安定しない調性や、気分屋のように様々な表情に変わる旋律を表す言葉として名付けた。また、フランス風を意識しているが作曲者は紛れもない日本人であり、どう足掻いてもネイティブのように書けないところもまた、「ちょっとおどけた」という単語でごまかしている。構成は分かりやすい三部形式で、中間部はトリオの位置づけとなっており、曲の最後にテンポを上げたコーダを伴っている。
"A Little Comical Waltz" is a song that I wrote in 2015, initially to serve as an encore piece after a performance of Flute Concerto by Ibert. Therefore, at the time that it was written for the first performance, it was composed to be performed by a solo flutist accompanied by an orchestra that is of the same size as for Ibert, with a difficulty level that is on par with Flute Concerto.
The first performance took place on December 19th, 2015 in Suginami Public Hall. Yoshie Ueno was the solo flutist, and she was accompanied by the Iris Philharmonic Orchestra, which I conducted. Given these circumstances, I wrote this song while imagining that a fictional French composer living around the time of Ibert would write a waltz like this. The "Little Comical" part of the title represents the French concept of esprit and was selected to capture the song's airy, unsteady tonality and melody that constantly changes its expression like a moody person. In addition, the composer who is trying to be French is unmistakably Japanese, meaning that he cannot write as smoothly as a native of France no matter how hard he tries. He is trying to disguise this part by including the phrase "A Little Comical" in the title. It is composed of three easilydistinguishable parts. The middle part can be considered a trio, with a faster coda at the end of the song.
After the first performance in 2015, I arranged this song in 2018 to be performed by a full orchestra without solo players. Since then, I have conducted performances of this version frequently. I arranged the flute and piano version of the full orchestra version in 2024 based on a request from Chikara Sugano so that it could be performed during Chikara Sugano Flute Recital 2024.
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