大阪府立生野高等学校を経て、神戸大学発達科学部人間表現学科を卒業。試行錯誤の場と作品発表の場の創出を目的とした作曲団体、「音楽集団おとつくらぼ」を創設し、代表を務める。21世紀の吹奏楽 第25回”響宴”入選。
・百鬼夜行 -クラリネット六重奏のための- (2019)
・笑顔の過程 -サックス四重奏とピアノのための- (2020)
第30回TIAA全日本作曲家コンクール室内楽部門 第3位
第1回オーボエアンサンブルFil*coule作曲コンクール 第3位
21世紀の吹奏楽 第25回”響宴”入選。
People choose their clothes based on the time, place, and occasion. Depending on the situation, there could be a wide variety in these selections, which can range from suits for work, casual outfits when meeting with friends, pajamas for relaxing at home, uniforms, workout clothes, and even kimonos.
When exaggerated a bit, the act of selecting clothes entails purchasing or obtaining clothes beforehand so that you have them on hand and using your judgment to decide what to wear based on your objectives. Not only do these clothes that have been chosen after being prepared and selected capture the state of mind of the wearer, they could even be considered a way of evoking emotions.
This piece titled "Putting on New Clothes" is based on the act of selecting clothes and the feelings that are involved.
I wonder if situations in which you go out of your way to pick new clothes are accompanied by a state of mind that is special to some extent, perhaps due to an emotional attachment to a certain event or important day. Whether we feel uplifted or look to turn over a new leaf, are we also imbuing our clothes with our feelings related to the occasion?
I would be thrilled if this piece can help you relate to that special feeling delivered by brand new clothes and that special state of mind you get when embarking on a day wearing these new clothes.
1. for a Weekend Trip
The exhilaration of looking forward to some days off, along with feelings of anticipation with a touch of anxiousness about the extraordinary act of traveling. Clothes that capture a new you in a new place.
2. for the Ceremony
Turning over a new leaf for a fresh start. Dignified formal attire that expresses feelings of gratitude.
3. for Daily Use (for Myself)
The excitement of wondering when to first wear brand new clothes that were purchased without specific plans in mind. An athome fashion show while thinking about outfits that match.
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