打楽器ですが、3人で演奏できるようにしてあります。一人で2つの楽器を演奏するような箇所もありますので、奏法は工夫してみて下さい。S.Cym.など、複数の楽器が必要になるパートもあります。237, 238小節目のトランペットは、無理の無い範囲で音域を選んで下さい。(福島弘和)
主な作品:交響曲ト調、シンフォニエッタ、同第2番「祈りの鐘」、同第3番「響きの森」、ラッキードラゴン 第五福竜丸の記憶、
This piece was commissioned by the Gunma Prefectural Maebashi Higashi High School in March 2005.
I had initially wanted to compose a piece that foregrounds the beauty of cherry blossoms and the scenes of their petals scattering in response to the commissioner’s request for a “Japanesestyle piece,” but I started to wonder if it was possible to offer a glimpse into the minds of people who were admiring the cherry blossoms after I read haiku poems written by poets of the past that resonated powerfully with me.
As depicted in Basho’s haiku as well, cherry blossoms have a mysterious power reminiscent of a time machine that allows people to look back on their lives and recall things in the past that may no longer exist.
Many objects and lives were lost during the Chuetsu Earthquake in October 2004 and the cherry blossoms that experienced the heavy snowfall thereafter probably became a part of one’s painful memories. However, I believe that because of what happened that year, the cherry blossoms that bloom without fail every year can ignite our will to continue living.
Although this piece does not directly allude to the Chuestu Earthquake, it has been partially inspired by the thoughts I have described above. While there are some fast and intense sections in the piece, I hope that you can experience the feeling of recalling your past when the slow exposition in the first half is recapitulated in the second half of the piece.
This arrangement is based on the current version (FMP0005) published in 2008, and its orchestration and struc ture have been revised to satisfy the orchestration and duration requirements of the Small Band category of the AllJapan Band Competition.
Percussion instruments can be played by three people. There are some places where you play two instruments by yourself, so please try to be creative in how you play. You may need more than one instrument (for example, Suspended Cymbal). For the trumpet of measures 237 and 238, select the desired range.
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