少年のころから、ドボルザークやスメタナが大好きで毎日レコードを聴いていました。これらの偉大な作曲家を生んだ国はどんなところなのだろうと、ボヘミア地方の風土にあこがれ、音楽や写真からひとり空想していたものです。この曲はそんな私の若き日の思い出をヒントにボヘミア地方の伝統文化「マリオネット(操り人形)」を描いたものです。 チェコは昔から人形劇がさかんに行われ、今でも多くのマリオネット劇場や専門店、プロの人形劇団や博物館があります。他国からの支配を受けるなどチェコの複雑な歴史の中で、単なる娯楽を超えて民族のアイデンティティーを表現する伝統芸能として受け継がれてきたようです。人形劇にはオペラやバレエを題材にした演目もあるということなので、いかにもありそうな場面を3つ想像し、組曲にしてみました。
Since I was a boy, I have been a fan of Dvo k and Smetana and have listened to their recordings every day. I used to let my imagination run wild through music and photos as I wondered about the Bohemian culture in the country that gave birth to these great composers. This piece was inspired by my memories as a boy and seeks to portray the traditional Bohemian culture of marionettes. The Czech Republic has long been a center of puppet theater, and even today, it is home to many marionette theaters, specialty stores, professional puppet troupes, and museums. Throughout the Czech Republic’s complex history, including when it was under the rule of other countries, puppet theater seems to have gone beyond mere entertainment and has been passed down as a traditional art form that embodies national identity. Since some puppet shows are adapted from operas and ballets, I have composed this suite by imagining three possible scenes.
I. The appearance of the knight
Medieval knights appear. They are supposed to be strong and scary, but for some reason, their movements are somewhat hesitant. It turns out that these are young men who are not used to holding swords, and the townspeople make fun of them in a comical manner. The young men are anything but graceful in their movements, evoking an atmosphere so heartwarming that it makes you want to chuckle.
II. Sleeping Beauty
This is one of the oldest stories in Europe and is included in Grimm’s fairy tales. Put to sleep by magic, Sleeping Beauty is awakened from her 100year slumber by the kiss of a prince. The relaxing melody of this piece portrays the forest, the beauty, magic, the prince, and other essential elements of the fairy tale. esk Krumlov, a town in southern Czech Republic, is a historical district that still retains its 13thcentury appearance. The town, which resembles the setting of a fairy tale, has been called the most beautiful town in the world and the Sleeping Beauty of the woods. I have composed the melody of this piece while imagining the scenery of this beautiful town surrounded by deep forests.
III. Exotic dance
Many groups of ethnic people must have come and gone in this bustling trading town. I imagine that there must have been many opportunities to watch the passionate dances of various groups of ethnic people from the East and West at public squares and other places. The use of castanets adds a gypsylike touch to the atmosphere.
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