【第一変奏】15小節~ 主題が木管楽器の三連符の中に隠されています。ト短調。
【第二変奏】30小節~ テンポが速くなり、低音部で繰り返される「デデレコデン」に支えられ、主題が現れます。ロ短調。
【第三変奏】66小節~ テンポが遅くなり、木管楽器のアンサンブルで主題が、冒頭とは異なるハーモニーで現れます。ニ短調。
【第四変奏】78小節~ 金管楽器のアンサンブルで主題が現れますが、3拍子に変化されています。変ホ短調。
【第五変奏】99小節~ テンポが速くなり、4拍子に戻り、力強く主題が現れます。変ニ短調(嬰ハ短調の異名同音調)。
【第六変奏】132小節~ 第五変奏に続けて演奏されます。これ以降ト短調。
【第七変奏】159小節~ テンポが遅くなり、3拍子で(ただし第四変奏のように強拍の移動はない)力強く主題が現れ、この曲のクライマックスを築きます。
【コーダ】181小節~ テンポが速くなり「五分じゃ(歌詞)」の部分を、何度も繰り返して終わります。(酒井格)
第25 回日本管打・吹奏楽アカデミー賞(作編曲部門)受賞。平成23、26、27、28、30 年度、JBA下谷賞受賞。
This piece was completed in December 2022 upon the request of fostermusic Inc. and recorded by the TOKE CIVIC Wind Orchestra in June 2023.
“Kokiriko Bushi” is a song sung to me by a relative of mine who lives in Toyama Prefecture.The repetition of “dederekoden” at the end of the song left a strong impression on me when I was still a child, and I had wanted to write a piece based on this folk song for a long time.
This piece consists of a theme, seven variations, and a coda.
Theme:The theme is written in the male vocal range as in the original song, but I combined instruments across both the treble and bass ranges for the final “dederekoden” section. G minor.
Variation 1 (from bar 15):The main theme is hidden within the woodwind triplets. G minor.
Variation 2 (from bar 30):The tempo speeds up as the theme appears, supported by “dederekoden” repeated in the bass range. B minor.
Variation 3 (from bar 66):The tempo slows down as the theme appears in the woodwind ensemble with a different harmony from the opening. D minor.
Variation 4 (from bar 78):The theme appears in the brass ensemble but is modified into a triple meter. Eflat minor.
Variation 5 (from bar 99):The tempo speeds up and returns to a quadruple meter, with the theme appearing in a prominent way. Dflat minor (enharmonic key of Csharp minor).
Variation 6 (from bar 132):This is played after Variation 5. G minor hereinafter.
Variation 7 (from bar 159):The tempo slows down as the theme appears in a prominent way in a triple meter (but without shifting the downbeat as in Variation 4), building up to the climax of the piece.
Coda (from bar 181):The tempo speeds up, and the piece ends with the section containing the lyrics “gobuja” (around 1.5 cm) repeated over and over again.
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