この作品は2021年、ハッピー☆マッキーSAXカルテット委嘱により書き始め、同年8月に完成した7分半ほどの作品。2021年9月23日に開催された「ハッピー☆マッキー SAXカルテット 10周年コンサート 秋の芸術祭 たくさんのありがとうをこめて 」にて初演されました。
サクソフォーン奏者の福本信太郎氏のための書き下ろし作品をはじめ、航空自衛隊中部航空音楽隊、陸上自衛隊東部方面音楽隊、陸上自衛隊第6 音楽隊、海上自衛隊横須賀音楽隊、海上自衛隊舞鶴音楽隊、ヤマハ吹奏楽団浜松、なにわ《オーケストラル》ウィンズ、大阪市音楽団、日生劇場、シエナ・ウィンドオーケストラ(編曲)など委嘱作品も多数。
2008年にはアメリカのシカゴで行われた『ミッドウェスト・クリニック』において自作品が演奏されるなど、日本だけでなく、海外の出版社からも注目を集め、CD や楽譜が発売されて好評を得ている。また今までに自作品集も4 枚を数え全国発売されている。
I started writing this piece in 2021 after being commissioned by the HappyMakky SAX Quartet, and I completed it in August of the same year. This piece, which is around 7 and a half minutes long, premiered at the quartet's 10thanniversary concert held on September 23rd, 2021.
Prior to the composition of this piece, Maki Kasai, a member of the quartet and a senior of mine at university whom I respect, requested me to write a piece that resembles a medley of the works of Russian composers but without abandoning a sense of originality. I began writing the piece based on several works that the members of the quartet had decided on in advance. I will not disclose the composers or the works that I had consulted in this commentary, as doing so might compromise your appreciation of the piece.
However, this piece is more than just a medley. In writing the piece, I had wanted to depict and present the crossroads in the lives of these talented composers in a documentary style. I hope that you will enjoy listening to this piece while imagining the drama behind the famous melodies that had been written on the back of a variety of different experiences.
I am excited, but also a little nervous, to find out what everyone thinks of the repeated homophonic sections in this piece.
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