自分の作った曲を演奏してもらえるということは、夢のようで、この曲は今後2度と演奏される機会はないだろうなあ、と思っていました。それで「First time only」というタイトルをつけてしまったのですが、まさかそれがこのように録音され、CDになるとは、当時には思いもよらなかったことです。本当にありがたいことです。皆様ありがとうございます。
吹奏楽曲やアンサンブル曲が、Pierre lafitan、アコード出版、ブレーン、CAFUAレコード、ウインドアートなどの出版社から多数出版・録音されている。これまでに作曲を尾高惇忠、宮本良樹、佐藤博の各氏に師事。主な作品に、「碧い月の神話」(3Fl.)、「おもいのことのは」 (Wind.orch.) などがある。また「Muta in concerto」 (Solo Sax & Wind.orch.)が2007年度下谷奨励賞受賞。
This piece is one that I have fond memories of as it was the first piece I had composed when I was a firstyear high school student. It was premiered at a regular concert of the wind orchestra I was a member of with me as the conductor. I was an unabashed firstyear high school student then and it was my dream to have someone play a piece written by me. As I had thought that this piece would not be performed ever again, I gave it the title "First time only." I had never imagined at the time that it would be recorded and pressed into a CD like this one day. Thank you very much and I appreciate everyone's support.
Although some parts of the piece make me feel a little embarrassed when I look back on it now, I believe this was ultimately a straightforward and fresh piece that was written without any pretentiousness. Listening to nostalgic pieces like this now makes me wonder if I should be a little more straightforward in my composition too.
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